
Welcome to Tan Luis

Tan Luis is a mobile spray tanning company servicing the city of Calgary. Yes, by mobile, we mean that a certified and insured technician will travel to your location and give you an incredible, natural-looking tan in minutes! Perfect for brides and their bridal party, girl's-night-in tanning parties, getting ready for holidays or just about any other occasion you can think of! Our spray solution not only gives you that healthy glow you desire, but it also helps disguise cellulite, stretch marks, blemishes and imperfections.

look healthy. be healthy. Our solution is 100% Paraben free, aloe based and lightly scented with essential oils in a cucumber melon scent, leaving your skin silky, smooth and invigorated. This is the Smart. Safe. Sexy™ way to tan and is supported by the dermatology profession.

Having a spray tan in the comfort of your home or other specified location, offers convenience, privacy and discretion, plus saves you time and money. You will look and feel sexier!

NOTE: Always wear protection in the sun as your sunless tan does not contain SPF!

© 2009 Tan Luis Mobile Spray Tan. All rights reserved. Privacy Policy
For more information or to book an appointment email us or call 403.710.6869
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